British National Bibliography (BNB) - Linked Open Data

British National Bibliography (BNB) published as Linked Data by the British Library, linked to external sources including VIAF, LCSH, Lexvo, GeoNames, MARC country, and language,, RDF Book Mashup. Published to this data model for books and this data model for serials.

Current release of approximately 2.8 million descriptions (93,583,853 triples) of books (including monographs published over time) and serials published in the UK over the last 60 years. Future releases will extend coverage to include multipart works, integrating resources, kits and forthcoming publications. The objective is to create a regularly updated dataset covering UK publications since 1950.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author The British Library Metadata Services
Maintainer The British Library Metadata Services
harvest_object_id daa3f2bc-ff84-4bb6-a092-0948e8d5912c
harvest_source_id 10a3a7b4-d7c6-4813-ac08-b7106e272574
harvest_source_title ckanlod
links:lexvo 3
links:w3c 2