Eurostat in RDF (FU Berlin)

This dataset contains several statistical indicators for European countries and NUTS Level-2 Regions (NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Most statistical data are time series, therefore only the latest availabe value is provided here.


Date of extraction: 06-14-2007; hence this dataset is seriously outdated.

links:ontologycentral-eurostat: 424

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Christian Bizer
Version 2007-06-14
harvest_object_id 8860a9a9-0b94-40fc-9c66-e3cffb05dba0
harvest_source_id 10a3a7b4-d7c6-4813-ac08-b7106e272574
harvest_source_title ckanlod
links:dbpedia 130
links:eurostat-rdf 425
links:linked-eurostat 424
links:w3c 5