GeoSpecies Knowledge Base

Data exposed: Information on Biological Orders, Families, Species as well as species occurrence records and related data

The data set currently contains information and linked data for: 19,230 Species, 1,671 Familes, 221 Orders. We have approximately 6,500 species observations, but are awaiting release on the majority of those.

Also see TaxonConcept, where species are modeled differently.

Size of dump and data set: 6.7 MB gzip

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Peter J. DeVries, UW - Madison <>
Maintainer Peter J. DeVries
harvest_object_id c1954215-ec7b-4b58-b63f-51240be0ce06
harvest_source_id 10a3a7b4-d7c6-4813-ac08-b7106e272574
harvest_source_title ckanlod
links:bbc-wildlife-finder 122
links:bio2rdf-taxon 11598
links:dbpedia 9518
links:eunis 1001
links:geonames-semantic-web 45365
links:lexvo 1
links:taxonconcept 8
links:uniprot-metadata 5176
links:uniprot-taxonomy 8502
links:w3c 2