
Structured data extracted and integrated from three major web-based Chinese-language encyclopaedias:

Each page is available in an RDF version. There is a SPARQL endpoint (although it only returns HTML, no machine-readable data, at the moment).

An ISWC2011 paper describes technical aspects of the project in detail.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://zhishi.me
Author Shanghai Jaio Tong University and Southeast University
harvest_object_id 5db54599-d588-40ec-8a14-c9ce9daf4959
harvest_source_id da984ce3-0396-4c23-b6d7-963cd2171600
harvest_source_title datahubloddatasets
links:dbpedia 193000
namespace http://zhishi.me/
triples 125000000