StatusNet instance hosted at http://gomertronic.com -
StatusNet instance hosted at http://ilikefreedom.ro -
Linked Food
Linked Food is an open dataset for food products and dishes that is semantically modeled following the principles of Linked Data. It aims to provide worldwide RDF data about... -
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
The LOV dataset contains the description of RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies defined for and used by datasets in the Linked Data Cloud. Whenever available each vocabulary... -
VIVO Indiana
Information about Indiana University faculty and staff across, available as RDF dump and Linked Data. Currently populated with information about members of the VIVO team at IU,... -
Linked Open Data of Ecology
Linked Open Data of Ecology (LODE) is a prototype to integrate the data of ecology by linked data approach. So far the subjects include most of wildfire, taxonomy, biodiversity... -
Project Gutenberg
Overview: Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Statistics: Over 100,000 titles, some duplication, of course.... -
New York Times - Linked Open Data
About From website: For the last 150 years, The New York Times has maintained one of the most authoritative news vocabularies ever developed. In 2009, we began to publish... -
Linked Movie DataBase
Data exposed: Linked Data about Movies Size of data set: 6,148,121 triples. Openness: Open Mixture of material from Wikipedia, Freebase and Geonames and states on... -
Semantic Wiki about the Semantic Web community -
The Achievement Standards Network (ASN) provides open access to machine-readable representations of learning objectives published by education agencies and organizations. This... -
BBC Wildlife Finder
Information about: wildlife biota (kingdom > Species) habitats adaptations ecozones Data includes: IUCN conservation status background descriptions photos BBC news... -
UK Postcodes
Linked data for every UK Postcode. License Content is licensed under the OS OpenData License -
EEA Reporting Obligations Database
ROD is the EEA's reporting obligations database. It contains records describing environmental reporting obligations that countries have towards international organisations. ROD... -
IEEE VIS Source Data
Collection of the datasets used by papers published in IEEE VIS and related conferences, provided as Linked Open Data. This dataset is derived from the individual datasets... -
GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus
About A thesaurus in 20+ languages for terms related to the environment and environmental data. Published by the European Environment Agency. Available in RDF without reuse... -
Eurostat RDF datasets
Three RDF datasets: Eurostat country codes Eurostat NUTS statistical regions (2008) Database of Eurostat-related legal acts Each is available as an RDF dump. URIs resolve... -
GeoNames Semantic Web
The GeoNames Ontology makes it possible to add geospatial semantic information to the Word Wide Web. All over 6.2 million geonames toponyms now have a unique URL with a...