Pleiades is a gazetteer for ancient world studies operated by NYU's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and supported by the US National Endowment for the Humanities.... -
Enel Shops
Enel direct and non direct shops (http://data.enel.com/node/4489 and http://data.enel.com/node/4431). -
Linked Open Piracy
Maritime piracy event descriptions from the International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau Accessing the dataset SPARQL query form No dereferenceable URIs for... -
Norwegian geo-divisions
A dataset with Norwegian Administrative Divisions and their administrative centers. -
HealthData.gov Platform (HDP) on the Semantic Web
Linked Data version of the metadata and data listed at http://hub.healthdata.gov. -
Finnish municipalities and regional classifications
An RDF vocabulary describing Finnish municipalities and many regional classifications, including Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Provinces...