Nomenclator Asturias
This dataset created by the SADEI contains information about the populated places of my area, Asturias in the period 2005-2010, including: -Codes to identify the type of a... -
Transparency International Linked Data
Transparency International data published using the Linked Data design principles. It contains Corruption Perceptions Index and Sources data. -
Open Data Communities - Lower layer Super Output Areas
This dataset describes the 'Lower layer Super Output Areas' used by the Office for National Statistics for many of its statistical outputs. Example resource:... -
Semantic XBRL Financial Data
Semantic XBRL is a dataset that contains RDF generated from the data submitted as XBRL to the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Semantic data is generated by... -
DataGovIE - Irish Government Data
Irish Government Data. Includes: Irish Census Data from Central Statistics Office Service Indicators of Ireland -
Environment Agency Bathing Water Quality
Bathing water quality assessment data for England and Wales from the Environment Agency. -
The Standard International Trade Classification V4 is used by the United Nations to create statistics. Authors of the linked data version: -Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez &... -
Index of Multiple Deprivation, Living Environment Deprivation Domain, Scores ...
This dataset contains the scores for the Living Environment Deprivation Domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. This indicator measures the quality of individuals’... -
NAICS 2007
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of... -
HealthData.gov Platform (HDP) on the Semantic Web
Linked Data version of the metadata and data listed at http://hub.healthdata.gov. -
NAICS 2012
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of... -
CPV 2003
The Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) establishes a single classification system for public procurement aimed at standardising the references used by contracting authorities... -
CPV 2008
The Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) establishes a single classification system for public procurement aimed at standardising the references used by contracting authorities... -
Open Data from the Italian National Research Council
data.cnr.it is an initiative of the Italian National Research Council aimed to provide public access to the information of the CNR organization. Keywords are: transparency,... -
EU Parliament Media Library
This dataset contains information about multi-media content published by the European Parliament at http://audiovisual.europarl.europa.eu/. Media assets of type video, audio and... -
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, United Nations Statistics Division is a product scheme classification used by the United Nations to... -
CN 2012
The Combined Nomenclature 2012 is a product scheme classification used to extract statistics. Authors: Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez & Jose Emilio Labra Gayo WESO-University... -
Finnish municipalities and regional classifications
An RDF vocabulary describing Finnish municipalities and many regional classifications, including Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Provinces... -
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Corporate Ownership RDF Data (rdfabout)
Data exposed: corporate ownership Size of dump and data set: 1.8 million triples Notes: also found in the of SPARQL Endpoints -
Farming statistics (farm sizes, land use, livestock) on local authority level, represented in RDF. This is a conversion of the June 2008 DEFRA survey on land use and livestock....