LOD2 Project Wiki
Projekt Wiki of the LOD2 EU Project -
Data found at wikier.org -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://tobyinkster.co.uk -
RDFohloh is a RDFizer of Ohloh. It provides Linked Data from Ohloh. Using content negotiation, the RDF data can be founded serialized in XHTML+RDFa, RDF/XML and N3, and... -
Athelia RFID, a global knowledge network of RFID technology
Athelia Solutions , a company specialized in tracking solutions based on RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) and Mobile Data Capture, renewed its digital identity... -
tags2con delicious
The tags2con dataset has been manually created by a group of human annotators that linked del.icio.us tags to their real meaning. A subset of a delicious dump has been used to... -
Interactive Maps, a collection of interactive flash maps (GNOSS)
Mapas interactivos is a collection of interactive flash maps developed by Enrique Alonso to facilitate the physical and political geography learning. It includes maps of... -
Mis Museos, índice semántico de museos, artistas y obras de arte (GNOSS)
MisMuseos.net is a semantic index of artistic resources (museums, artists and artwork) powered by GNOSS. MisMuseos.net structures, organizes and offers you, in accordance with... -
Garnica Plywood Catalogue
Garnica Plywood is the first international poplar plywood manufacturer in terms of volume (and combinations with other tropical species). The company owns 4 factories in Spain... -
Didactalia, índice de recursos educativos para profesores, padres y alumnos (...
Didactalia.net is a K-12 global community and an storage place for teachers, students and parents to create, share and find open educational resources that has currently more... -
Proyecto Apadrina, Marketing Punto de Venta
Proyecto Apadrina is a learning community of students of Higher Grade in Business Management and Marketing from the IES Profesor Máximo Trueba (Boadilla del Monte, Madrid,... -
Green Competitiveness (GNOSS)
The competitiveness and the green economy should be a collective idea of organizing industrial production and, therefore, a business space, not a thought exercise or a radical... -
Museos de España, colección de museos públicos y privados españoles (GNOSS)
Museos de España is a directory that allows facet-based searches on a collection with more than 1,500 dynamic pages of public and private Spanish museums. Museos de España... -
Open Data RISP, the Spanish Open Data community
The Open Data RISP / Spanish Open Data Community is a space to discuss issues related to the opening of the public data and reuse. This group is open to any participant with a... -
Prospects and Trends (GNOSS)
Prospects and Trends is a tracking service of prospects and trends that will affect our society, markets and businesses. It is a meeting place for the community of researchers,... -
Red Uno Internacional (Santillana)
Red UNO Internacional (Santillana) is a support community for teachers of Sistema UNO, an educational project that manages the digitization of school, the training of the... -
Mi Guía de Viajes, colección de guías de viaje para viajeros (GNOSS)
MiGuiadeViajes.net is a semantic collection of travel guides, sightseeing tours and trips especially recommended for tourists, travellers and backpackers. The community allows... -
DeustoTech (Deusto Institute of Technology)
Deusto Instituto de Tecnología, DeustoTech, anteriormente Tecnológico Fundación Deusto, es un instituto de investigación perteneciente a la Fundación Deusto y la Universidad... -
gnoss.com, a Linked Open Data knowledge network
gnoss.com is a society on the Net: it enables people, companies and any human group or organization to connect, interact and work according to their interests in a linked open...