Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://cyganiak.de -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://kjernsmo.net -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://gromgull.net -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://deri.org -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://mit.edu -
Bible Ontology
This is an ontology for the Holy Bible. For end-users please click : http://bibleontology.com/service For Linked Data Frontend: http://bibleontology.com There are two ways of... -
New York Times - Linked Open Data
About From website: For the last 150 years, The New York Times has maintained one of the most authoritative news vocabularies ever developed. In 2009, we began to publish... -
Archives Hub Linked Data
A sample dataset of descriptions of archive collections held on the Archives Hub, a UK aggregator, and output as Linked Data. The Hub Linked Data provides a perspective on the... -
Australian Climate Observations Reference Network - Surface Air Temperature D...
ACORN-SAT, the Australian Climate Observations Reference Network - Surface Air Temperature data set, is a homogenized daily maximum and minimum temperature data set containing... -
Datos Abiertos de Zaragoza
Datos Abiertos Zaragoza es una iniciativa del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza para el fomento de la reutilización de la información publicada en su web por parte de la ciudadanía, las... -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://lenka.no -
Linked Railway Data Project
About Bringing together data on the United Kingdom's railway network under linked data principles. -
Contains data from personal homepages, such as foaf profiles etc. A list of files can be found in the appended text file