TCMGeneDIT Dataset
Data exposed: Traditional Chinese medicine, gene and disease association dataset and a linkset mapping TCM gene symbols to Extrez Gene IDs created by Neurocommons Size of dump... -
Entrez Gene Extract
Data exposed: Entrez Gene Extract from [ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/gene_info.gz] Size of dump and data set: 5.6 MB Notes: NCBI Copyright and Disclaimers -
Data exposed: FlyAtlas and Affy D2 probe-to-gene Size of dump and data set: size? Notes: also found in the of SPARQL Endpoints -
Freebase RDF Store
Duplicate of package:freebase Data exposed: Freebase Views of Freebase Topics following the principles of Linked Data. The dataset extractions contain aggregated data from:... -
Data exposed: what? Size of dump and data set: 626 KB Notes: NCBI Copyright and Disclaimers -
Entrez Gene
About Data exposed: Select fields from Entrez Gene records Size of dump and data set: 7.7 MB Notes: NCBI Copyright and Disclaimers Openness Data appears to be in public domain.... -
DOAP Store
About Data exposed: provides daily generated dumps with all its DOAP project descriptions Size of dump and data set: size? Notes: 2009-05-24: Both files seem to be empty - hg... -
Science Commons
Data exposed: A bridging ontology, from Science Commons, importing other ontologies used in the prototype, defining classes and relations used to represent gene records and... -
Data exposed: Addgene catalog (tab delimited file) Size of dump and data set: 1.1 MB Notes: provided to Science Commons by Addgene Openness: ? T&C here:...