EEA Reporting Obligations Database
ROD is the EEA's reporting obligations database. It contains records describing environmental reporting obligations that countries have towards international organisations. ROD... -
GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus
About A thesaurus in 20+ languages for terms related to the environment and environmental data. Published by the European Environment Agency. Available in RDF without reuse... -
Eurostat RDF datasets
Three RDF datasets: Eurostat country codes Eurostat NUTS statistical regions (2008) Database of Eurostat-related legal acts Each is available as an RDF dump. URIs resolve... -
Ordnance Survey Linked Data
See also package:ordnance_survey. Published data Geographical data about England, Wales, and Scotland Provides identifiers for counties, cities, wards, census areas Provides... -
European Environment Agency Published Products
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information... -
Semantic XBRL Financial Data
Semantic XBRL is a dataset that contains RDF generated from the data submitted as XBRL to the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Semantic data is generated by... -
CTIC Public Dataset Catalogs
Overview of worldwide data catalogues. -
Italian Chamber of Deputies - official dataset
dati.camera.it - Linked Open Data della Camera dei deputati A complete catalogue of digital data and documents of all legislatures, from I legislature of the Kingdom of... -
EnAKTing CO2 Emission Dataset
UK CO2 Emission data extracted from the spreadsheet 'Local and Regional CO2 Emissions Estimates for 2005-2007', produced by the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change. -
Munich Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data Munich's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt -
EnAKTing Mortality Dataset
UK's Mortality data per region for the year 2008/09, delivered by the UK Home Office. Provenance of this dataset:... -
OpenUpLabs Geographic
The Geographic data is provided by Ordnance Survey, Great Britain's national mapping agency. This dataset contains the up-to-date geographic data, relied on by government,... -
EnAKTing NHS Dataset
National Health Service (waiting times) performance data published by the UK Department of Health for the year 2008/09. -
HealthData.gov Platform (HDP) on the Semantic Web
Linked Data version of the metadata and data listed at http://hub.healthdata.gov. -
EnAKTing Energy Dataset
UK's Road Transportation consumption data provided by the UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform ( BERR). This data covers the whole UK territory from 2002... -
Finnish municipalities and regional classifications
An RDF vocabulary describing Finnish municipalities and many regional classifications, including Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Provinces... -
EnAKTing Population Dataset
Data extracted from the census data provided by UK's Office for National Statistics grouped by parliamentary constituencies. Dates from mid 2001 to mid 2007. -
EnAKTing Crime Dataset
UK Crime statistics per region for the year 2008/09, provided by the UK Home Office. -
RDF version of the official case law dataset of the Netherlands Council of the Judiciary (at http://www.rechtspraak.nl). It contains approximately 145k descriptions of court...