LOD2 Project Wiki
Projekt Wiki of the LOD2 EU Project -
Descriptions of pictures showing species -
DBpedia in Italian
DBpedia is a "community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated... -
CPAN-Data (Ontologi.es)
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - DOAP data -
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia -
GADM (GeoVocab)
We provide an RDF/Linked Data version of GADM, which is a spatial database of the location of the world's administrative areas (or adminstrative boundaries. -
Information about people and publications from the Research Group Data and Web Science at University of Mannheim -
European Television Heritage
The EUscreen project represents the European television archives and acts as a domain aggregator for Europeana, Europe’s digital library. The main motivation for its creation... -
IFPRI Linked Open Data - Global Hunger Index
Here is IFPRI Linked Open Data set - Global hunger index -
Describes people, research groups and publications within the Department of Computer Science based at the University of Sheffield. Publishes Linked Data in RDF. -
Public Record Office Victoria Semantic Wiki
Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria, Australia. We hold approximately 100kms of records from the mid 1830s to today, which we... -
Debian Package Tracking System
Data on all Debian packages is available as RDF via content negotiation from the Debian QA website. This uses the ADMS.SW standard. More background in this blog post. -
DBTune.org Musicbrainz D2R Server
Data from package:musicbrainz re-published as RDF. -
Last.FM RDFization of Events, Artists, and Users
A Linked Data wrapper around some of the last.fm API. -
A social network of active Lotico Semantic Web community members, provided as RDF via resolvable URIs and a SPARQL endpoint. -
Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus
About Data exposed: Metadata (papers, presentations, people) for several semantic web related conferences and workshops, including the most recent ISWC, ESWC and WWW events.... -
openlinksw dataspaces
Open Dataspaces hosted at openlinksw.com -
Revyu.com - Review Anything
Universal review site. RDF-based API, SPARQL endpoint. -
Deutsche Biographie
Presents some of the results of the LOD2 PUBLINK activity in cooperation with the AKSW group and the group of the Neue Deutsche Biographie of the Historical Commission at the... -
Linked Life Data
Linked Life Data is aggregation of more than 25 popular biomedical data sources. DOWNLOADS http://linkedlifedata.com/sources SPARQL http://linkedlifedata.com/sparql