PlanetData Project Wiki
Semantic Wiki of PlanetData Project -
World Wide Web Foundation
WebIndex and OpenData Barometer from the World Wide Web Foundation -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://autistici.org -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://kanzaki.com -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://kwark.org -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://visualcv.com -
GADM (GeoVocab)
We provide an RDF/Linked Data version of GADM, which is a spatial database of the location of the world's administrative areas (or adminstrative boundaries. -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://kit.edu -
Social web content (Personal profiles/posts) from http://mit.edu -
Educational programs - SISVU
Semantic ISVU (SISVU) aims to thoroughly describe study programmes offered by ISVU - The Information System of Higher Education (Croatian acronym: ISVU). ISVU integrates data on... -
Linking Italian University Statistics Project
The MIUR is the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and each year publishes a set of useful information about the University student data. The LOIUS project... -
GovWILD - Government Web Integration for Linked Data
GovWILD integrates Open Government Data about politicians, parties, government agencies, funds, companies, and industrial leaders into a clean and consistent data set. This... -
OpenEI - Open Energy Info
About From website: Open Energy Info is a platform to connect the world’s energy data. It is a linked open data platform bringing together energy information to provide... -
LODAC BDLS (Building Dictionary for Life Sciense) provides two types of datasets. One is relationships between scientific names and common names of species. Another is... -
Structured data extracted and integrated from three major web-based Chinese-language encyclopaedias: Chinese Wikipedia Hudong Baike Baidu Baike Each page is available in an... -
Linked Open Data of Ecology
Linked Open Data of Ecology (LODE) is a prototype to integrate the data of ecology by linked data approach. So far the subjects include most of wildfire, taxonomy, biodiversity... -
British National Bibliography (BNB) - Linked Open Data
British National Bibliography (BNB) published as Linked Data by the British Library, linked to external sources including VIAF, LCSH, Lexvo, GeoNames, MARC country, and... -
RDFohloh is a RDFizer of Ohloh. It provides Linked Data from Ohloh. Using content negotiation, the RDF data can be founded serialized in XHTML+RDFa, RDF/XML and N3, and...