PlanetData Project Wiki
Semantic Wiki of PlanetData Project -
LOD2 Project Wiki
Projekt Wiki of the LOD2 EU Project -
Talis Aspire - University of Portsmouth
Course reading lists from the University of Portsmouth. -
Talis Aspire - Roehampton University
Course reading lists from Roehampton University. -
Talis Aspire - Bournemouth University
Course reading lists from bournemouth University -
Talis Aspire - Harper Adams University College
Course reading lists from Harper Adams University College. -
Talis Aspire - University of Derby
Course reading lists from the University of Derby. -
Publish information about datasets -
Talis Aspire - Brunel University
Course reading lists from Brundel University -
Talis Aspire - Liverpool Hope University
Course reading lists from Liverpool Hope University. -
Information about people and publications from the Research Group Data and Web Science at University of Mannheim -
Describes people, research groups and publications within the Department of Computer Science based at the University of Sheffield. Publishes Linked Data in RDF. -
Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus
About Data exposed: Metadata (papers, presentations, people) for several semantic web related conferences and workshops, including the most recent ISWC, ESWC and WWW events.... -
Deutsche Biographie
Presents some of the results of the LOD2 PUBLINK activity in cooperation with the AKSW group and the group of the Neue Deutsche Biographie of the Historical Commission at the... -
RDF Book Mashup
The RDF book mashup demonstrates how Web 2.0 data sources like Amazon, Google or Yahoo can be integrated into the Semantic Web. The RDF book mashup makes information about... -
CrossRef DOI Resolver
Digital Object Idenfiers (DOI) are a persistent identifier strategy used by around 3,000 publishers to identify their documents: mostly scholarly publications. An example of a... -
D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography Database, hosted at L3S Research Center -
Project Gutenberg in RDF (FU Berlin)
Metadata about public domain works available at Project Gutenberg. Data last updated in 2007. -
Scholarometer is a social tool for citation analysis, which provides a service to scholars by computing citation-based impact measures. Scholarometer data provides information...