Data found at wikier.org -
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
The LOV dataset contains the description of RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies defined for and used by datasets in the Linked Data Cloud. Whenever available each vocabulary... -
RDFohloh is a RDFizer of Ohloh. It provides Linked Data from Ohloh. Using content negotiation, the RDF data can be founded serialized in XHTML+RDFa, RDF/XML and N3, and... -
tags2con delicious
The tags2con dataset has been manually created by a group of human annotators that linked del.icio.us tags to their real meaning. A subset of a delicious dump has been used to... -
openlinksw dataspaces
Open Dataspaces hosted at openlinksw.com -
El Viajero's tourism dataset
El Viajero's tourism dataset integrates the various contents from newspapers and digital platforms belonging to the Prisa Digital Group in the domain of news and blogs about... -
myopenlink dataspaces
dataspaces at myopenlink.net