Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model

The Amsterdam Museum dataset describes more than 70.000 cultural heritage objects related to the city of Amsterdam described by the museum.

The metadata was retrieved from an XML Web API of the museum's Adlib collection database and converted to RDF compliant with the Europeana Data Model (EDM). This makes the Amsterdam Museum data the first of its kind to be officially converted and made available in this format.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Victor de Boer, Jan Wielemaker, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Antoine Isaac, Guus Schreiber
Maintainer Victor de Boer
Version 1.0
harvest_object_id 05c5bd00-ce26-4f58-984e-4799b31139b4
harvest_source_id da984ce3-0396-4c23-b6d7-963cd2171600
harvest_source_title datahubloddatasets
links:dbpedia 43
links:geonames-semantic-web 658
links:lexvo 1
links:w3c 5
shortname Amsterdam Museum
triples 5000000
vocab-mappings skos:exactMatch