OpenEI - Open Energy Info


From website:

Open Energy Info is a platform to connect the world’s energy data. It is a linked open data platform bringing together energy information to provide improved analyses, unique visualizations, and real-time access to data. OpenEI follows guidelines set by the White House’s Open Government Initiative , which is focused on transparency, collaboration, and participation. OpenEI strives to provide open access to this energy information, which will spur creativity and drive innovation in the energy sector.


Project representatives confirmed via email:

The default license for all information in OpenEI I Creative Commons Zero ( You can see this documented in a notice shown in the site's editing interface for any page (e.g.


Project representatives confirmed via email:

As for bulk downloads of data... We currently offer the following:

We realize that we could be doing more in this area, though. A few things we're planning to do:

  • Provide a bulk download of our complete RDF (similar to how one can get complete dbpedia exports)
  • Provide a better way to find various datasets (and download them in various formats, such as RDF and CSV)
  • Provide a mechanism for submitting bulk datasets which is separate from, but complementary to, our Wiki)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 2010
harvest_object_id 8693cab6-f804-4f5f-8a0a-c3a1055ac5f9
harvest_source_id 10a3a7b4-d7c6-4813-ac08-b7106e272574
harvest_source_title ckanlod
links:dbpedia 3